The other day Fay and I did a cycle/walk/cycle activity, up to RSPB Wood of Cree. We often don’t see much up there, but you hear the birds having a real chatter. They are so invisible when there’s leaves on the trees.
E Bike to the rescue
Sometimes, people are more inspiring than they themselves realise. This last week, we were visited by David and his friend and helper James. David is in his early 60s. He was a headmaster in Yorkshire but is now retired. He used to be involved in all sorts of sports and even used to participate in competitive fell-running.
In recent years he has been diagnosed with a neuropathy that slowly wastes the muscles below the knee. He has a specially adapted car and rides, as he can only do now, an E-Bike.
Whilst here he successfully completed the Big Country Route, a 35 mile cross-country route which is almost all on forest tracks. This is an amazing achievement. Even for an able-bodied person it is hard work.
Although challenging, the Big Country Route is spectacular, with jaw-dropping scenery and a quiet isolation that is only possible in areas like this. There are plenty of ups and downs.
Very well done David & James.

First guest since March
Oh my, it’s so unfriendly having to wear masks and gloves when dealing with people. I really hate it, but we have to do it just now.
Pleeeaaaaase lets have a vaccine soon.
Slow Worm action !
Big Country Route
There is an off-road route, ostensibly based from Glentrool visitor’s centre, which passes not far from The Stables, so is easily picked up in Newton Stewart. You can then either choose to take the detour to the Glentrool visitor’s centre (making 36.1 miles) or leave that out (making 35 miles). This is the route map. (click for bigger version). This version does not include a trip to the visitor’s centre.

A PDF map and description from Forestry and Land Scotland is available for download at : GlentroolBigCountryRoute
A gpx file is also available for download : Bigcountryroute.gpx
Social Distancing!
Rhododendrons looking good
Our House
Some of the flowers in our garden
The pink wall has gone !
A 3.8 meter drop, matching pattern and slopping ceiling. Plus difficult ladder placement ? but generally successful operation. Fay in charge of technical methodology, Dane in charge of ‘working at height’ operations ?? I think the light fitting needs an upgrade now.

oh, and a new bannister too ?